What should I pack?

Sílvia Serra September 3, 2018

One of the most common questions that all of you have is what should I pack? Don’t worry, you are not the only one wondering yourself if you will need that light jacket or you should pack the winter one. Here you have some tips that we hope they’ll help… More

Parents, are you ready?

Sílvia Serra August 27, 2018

We are looking forward to having your son or daughter with us in Barcelona and we are so delighted that he/she has chosen our wonderful city to spend their semester studying abroad! There are about to embark on an exciting journey, an incredible adventure… More

Embedded Excursion to Marseille

Sílvia Serra March 6, 2018

Last weekend students taking the BUSP370 Brand Barcelona course visit the city of Marseille in France.  Known to the ancient Greeks and Romas as Massalia, Marseille was the most important trading center in the region and the main commercial port of the… More

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