Embedded Excursion History Course: The Exile

Sílvia Serra November 12, 2018

This field study of the History course is a one day excursion to the Spanish-French border town of La Jonquera and its Exile Memorial Museum (MUME) and the sea-side village of Colliure on the French side of the Spanish-French border. The Spanish Civil… More

Embedded Excursion to Sabadell

Sílvia Serra October 30, 2018

The Photography class students went last weekend to Sabadell, one of the largest suburban towns in Barcelona. A city of over 200,000 inhabitants, Sabadell was known in the past as the “Catalan Manchester” due to the proliferation of textile factories… More

Open House Reception at Barcelona Center

Dr. Jaume Gelabert October 26, 2018

“A country’s cuisine is its landscape in a cooking pot.” - Josep Pla, Catalan journalist Arcadia Barcelona Center staff and faculty and Arcadia vice president Lorna Stern, are hosting an Open House reception during the CIEE Conference on Thursday, November… More

Useful apps. Don’t miss them!

Sílvia Serra October 22, 2018

How many times do you check your smartphone at home? And how many of them are for using an app? Very often in your day-to-day life right? Here are some of the most useful and important apps that you need to help you navigate in Barcelona, travel better… More

Embedded Excursion to the Güell Colony

Sílvia Serra October 6, 2018

Students taking BACL250 Rags to Riches: The Transformation of Barcelona course had the opportunity to visit The Güell Colony, a small working colony located in the municipality of Sana Coloma de Cervelló (Barcelona). It is considered one of the references… More

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