Farewell Fiesta

Sílvia Serra April 7, 2016

Last Thursday, we had to say goodbye to our students from the Spring 2016 program. However, we didn’t see them off any which way. We wanted to say goodbye to our students in the best possible way, so we threw a really fond Farewell Fiesta! First, we… More

Field Study Museum of Exile and Collioure

Sílvia Serra March 4, 2016

Last Friday there was a field study that dealt with the uneasy history of 20th Century Spain. Our day trip was to the Spanish-French border, the Museum of Exile and the small seaside village Colliure. The trip was planned in order to show students the… More

My Whirlwind Weekend in Morocco

Student Voices February 23, 2016

written by Kelsey Maddock, a rodger williams university student who studied on arcadia in barcelona in spring 2016. When I decided to go on a guided tour of Morocco I didn’t really know what to expect. I’d done little to no research on the African country… More

New Center for Arcadia in Barcelona

Dr. Jaume Gelabert September 9, 2015

We are very excited to announce the brand new Arcadia Barcelona Center. After a very intense summer of designing, building, painting, moving stuff around and making all sorts of modifications, we are finally ready. The new center has given us the opportunity… More

Bidding Farewell to Summer Students

Dr. Jaume Gelabert July 27, 2015

"The heat is on, the heat is on, yeah yeah, it's on the streets" sang Glen Frey in 1984. Well, that is very much how we felt this summer in Barcelona. This also shows how old the Program Director is. But now onto what really matters: it's been an intense… More

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