Excursion to Bilbao

Sílvia Serra March 26, 2019

Last weekend, the BUSP370 Brand Barcelona class went to Bilbao as part of the fieldstudy of their course. Bilbao is located in the north of Spain in the Basque Country region. The city shares some characteristics with Barcelona and other post-industrial… More

Cooking Workshop in the Gastronomy course

Sílvia Serra March 25, 2019

As part of the SOG210 Gastronomy and Culture in Spain course, students prepared some typical tapas helped by the well-known chef Adrià Llenas. While enjoyed preparing and eating them, they also learn the origins of each ingredient, the region where they… More

Cheese tasting in SOCG210 Gastronomy course

Sílvia Serra March 15, 2019

Spain is well known for its vast variety of cheeses from fresh to cured, fermented to blue-veined, from cow’s, sheep’s or goat’s milk or a mixture of all three. A paradise for cheese lovers with 13 cheeses with Denominations of Origin in Spain! Cheese… More

Barcelona Marathon

Elena Lázaro February 21, 2019

Are you a runner? Have you ever participated in a half marathon or a marathon? Would you like to run being abroad? Well then,  I would like to inform that the Barcelona Marathon is coming, it will take place next Sunday on 10th March. All the city will… More

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