Cooking Workshop

Sílvia Serra March 15, 2016

Scrumptious dinner at the Cooking Workshop! Today we went with our students to a cooking class where they learned how to cook some of the most authentic local cuisine, and we had a lot of fun! The students had to prepare four well-known Spanish and… More

Field Study to Bilbao for Brand Barcelona

Sílvia Serra March 14, 2016

Last weekend, the Brand Barcelona class went to Bilbao as part of the field study of their course. Bilbao is located in the north of Spain in the Basque Country region. The city shares some characteristics with Barcelona and other post-industrial cities… More

Classical Concert in Palau De La Música

Sílvia Serra March 10, 2016

We had a wonderful night going to a classical music concert in the Palau de la Música Catalana! Our students had the opportunity to live one of the best experiences that many locals in Catalonia have experienced at least once in their lives: attending… More

Spanish Field Study to Zaragoza

Sílvia Serra March 3, 2016

As part of the Spanish language courses, last weekend we went to discover the city of Zaragoza, its gastronomy, history and culture. How different it is from Barcelona and the region of Catalonia! Depending on the Spanish level the students have, we… More

Documentary Photography Field Study

Sílvia Serra March 1, 2016

Over the weekend, Professor Anderson took students on a Documentary Photography Field Study to Sabadell, which is a small city that is less than an hour's drive from the international city of Barcelona. They had the chance to creatively reconstruct the… More

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