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Ball de Bastons Workshop

This week, as part of the Cornerstone courses, students participated in a guided visit to Casa dels Entremesos. This is a… More

Sílvia Serra Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona


Sílvia Serra


Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona

Ball de Bastons Workshop

Sílvia Serra January 13, 2020

This week, as part of the Cornerstone courses, students participated in a guided visit to Casa dels Entremesos. This is a specific center of production and dissemination of the wealth of traditional Catalan folk culture that provides the public with festive… More

Embedded Excursion to Bilbao

Sílvia Serra March 26, 2019

Last weekend, the BUSP370 Brand Barcelona class went to Bilbao as part of the fieldstudy of their course. Bilbao is located in the north of Spain in the Basque Country region. The city shares some characteristics with Barcelona and other post-industrial… More

Excursion to Bilbao

Sílvia Serra March 26, 2019

Last weekend, the BUSP370 Brand Barcelona class went to Bilbao as part of the fieldstudy of their course. Bilbao is located in the north of Spain in the Basque Country region. The city shares some characteristics with Barcelona and other post-industrial… More

Cooking Workshop in the Gastronomy course

Sílvia Serra March 25, 2019

As part of the SOG210 Gastronomy and Culture in Spain course, students prepared some typical tapas helped by the well-known chef Adrià Llenas. While enjoyed preparing and eating them, they also learn the origins of each ingredient, the region where they… More

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