
Dr. Jaume Gelabert


Director, Arcadia in Spain

Bareloneta - It's all in the attitude!

Dr. Jaume Gelabert July 30, 2018

Barceloneta (little Barcelona in Catalan) is one of those true authentic, old time Barcelona neighborhoods. The neighborhood was born in 1753 and from its beginnings it hosted fishermen, industry workers as well as employees of the shipyards that were… More

Some Context for Barcelona

Dr. Jaume Gelabert October 9, 2017

As is a well known fact, Catalonia celebrated an unofficial referendum last Sunday, October 1st. Although the intention of voters was to be able to peacefully exercise their right- even while knowing that the results would not be admitted by the Spanish… More

The Sardana Dance

Dr. Jaume Gelabert February 9, 2017

It was a sunny, crisp winter morning in Barcelona, and business as usual at the office when, all of a sudden, the wooden floor started to rumble under my feet. Down the hallway I could hear giggles and excitement and laughter and some Catalan traditional… More

Shoes, Trains and Planes

Dr. Jaume Gelabert March 4, 2016

Time sure flies in this winterless Spring semester! Students are enjoying yet another unseasonably warm February and are now ready to decompress after Midterm week! This February has been quite eventful… Our dear Maria Bascón, who had been our Student… More

New Center in Granada

Dr. Jaume Gelabert January 27, 2016

Right in time for the Spring ´16 semester, Arcadia Granada Center has moved to a new location, barely 3 minutes away walking from the old center. It is walking distance from the CLM (Centro de Lenguas Modernas) and it is now located on Granada´s busiest… More

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