Documentary Photography Field Study

Sílvia Serra March 1, 2016

Over the weekend, Professor Anderson took students on a Documentary Photography Field Study to Sabadell, which is a small city that is less than an hour's drive from the international city of Barcelona. They had the chance to creatively reconstruct the… More

My Whirlwind Weekend in Morocco

Student Voices February 23, 2016

written by Kelsey Maddock, a rodger williams university student who studied on arcadia in barcelona in spring 2016. When I decided to go on a guided tour of Morocco I didn’t really know what to expect. I’d done little to no research on the African country… More

New Center in Granada

Dr. Jaume Gelabert January 27, 2016

Right in time for the Spring ´16 semester, Arcadia Granada Center has moved to a new location, barely 3 minutes away walking from the old center. It is walking distance from the CLM (Centro de Lenguas Modernas) and it is now located on Granada´s busiest… More

Remember November

Dr. Jaume Gelabert November 30, 2015

November sure came fast and is a month full of events: a scavenger hunt around town to portray the linguistic landscape of Barcelona, a practice session with the Castellers (human towers) and a stroll around Girona. For the 'Rags to Riches: The Transformation… More

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