Carnival at Arcadia! Get ready!

Sílvia Serra February 8, 2018

Between the 16th and early 17th centuries, Barcelona's Carnival was one of the tops in all of Europe – more for its wild reputation than for its roots in tradition – but all that disappeared under Franco. Seven years ago, Barcelona decided to bring back… More

Becoming artists!

Sílvia Serra February 7, 2018

A regular session of Painting and Drawing course in the Artist’s studio.  Students arrive, take an easel, the materials to draw or paint, and start or continue the proposed exercise. Almost always there’s soft music in the ambient, which helps to isolate… More

Spanish Gastronomy Night

Agustina Balacco January 29, 2018

Our students have had the chance to learn about the Spanish food while tasting tapas and pinxos at The Spanish Gastronomy Night, one of the favorite activities!! In Spain, dinner is usually served between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m, leaving significant time between… More

Cultural visit to Casa dels Entremesos

Sílvia Serra January 17, 2018

 The wealth of traditional Catalan folk culture is so extensive that the Coordinadora de Colles de Gegants i Bestiari de Ciutat Vella has created a specific centre of production and dissemination. This is the Casa dels Entremesos, a venture that provides… More

Embedded Excursion to Museum of Exile and Colliure

Sílvia Serra November 29, 2017

A field study for the course 20th Century Spain, An Uneasy History took place last Friday. Our day trip to the Spanish-French border, the Museum of Exile and the small seaside village Colliure, was planned as a way to show students the hardship and pains… More

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