EXPO Milano 2015

Tina Rocchio Resident Director for Italy Programs


February 25, 2015

Arcadia Faculty and Students Take Up the Challenge of EXPO Milano 2015


By, Paola Moroni, Professor of Italian Language, Sicily Center

I am really proud and thrilled to say that my Arcadia in Sicily students and I are participating in EXPO Milano 2015. This extraordinary event takes place with the participation of more than 140 countries and more than 20 million visitors. The Exposition’s principal theme is: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life; and the idea is to reflect and find solutions to environmental, nutritional and energetic issues which are more and more relevant to everyone.

For us, this will be a double challenge: creating a digital narration – on a theme related to EXPO 2015 while using the Italian language. This opportunity will enrich enormously the Italian experience, as they interview experts and citizens at the open market, learn how to make ricotta and create a digital story around their discoveries. All this will not only enhance their language skills, but also it will develop a better understanding about issues that are of crucial relevance for citizens of the third Millennium.

Politecnico di Milano – one of the Europe’s leading universities in the field of Engineering – believes that the Exposition represents a unique opportunity for schools to develop and promote knowledge on these important topics. For this reason, it has organized a digital storytelling competition for schools from all over the world. A jury of experts will evaluate all the narrations and the winners of the various categories will be acknowledged at the official award ceremony hosted within EXPO. All the multimedia narratives will be showcased through an innovative portal, a dedicated YouTube channel and an interactive app.

We are working hard, and I am sure we will put our best effort forward. EXPO has given us the opportunity to participate and contribute to a world educational event and we answer using their words: “EXPO - Here we are!”


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