
Dr. Vicky Kynourgiopoulou



The Brunello di Montalcino Experience

Dr. Vicky Kynourgiopoulou November 23, 2015

By Professor Luigi Tocchetti learn how to invest in Wine Montalcino is a tiny medieval town, immersed in one of the most beautiful regions of the world, Tuscany, surrounded by vineyards, olive trees, and breathtaking views wherever you look at. As many… More

Eating our way through Tuscany

Dr. Vicky Kynourgiopoulou November 9, 2015

Food Studies Academic Excursion In 1825 the renowned gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote about food “tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are”. This is what we had in mind as we embarked on our Tuscan food exploration on a rainy… More

Student Insight: Cultural Treasures

On the destruction of Cultural Treasures By Thomas DiFazio, Arcadia in Rome, Villanova University student In the spring semester of 2015, I enrolled in a study abroad course known as Stealing Cultural Treasures. The decision to participate in this course… More

Student Insight: Human Rights

Alessandra Scafuri, a law student, studying in Rome, Italy with Roma Tre University shares with us her written work for the course, Human Rights in Historical Perspective. This course is part of the Arcadia in Rome program, and taught at our Arcadia Rome… More

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