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Top 10 Ways to Prepare to Study Abroad
Physically and mentally preparing to study abroad can be overwhelming. In my experience, the best way to combat any anxiety… More
Physically and mentally preparing to study abroad can be overwhelming. In my experience, the best way to combat any anxiety… More
As an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University, Amanda Srebnik completed a reflection of her time studying abroad at ISI Florence during the Spring of 2024 semester. Here’s what she has to say about her experience: 1.) For my STEP Signature… More
Physically and mentally preparing to study abroad can be overwhelming. In my experience, the best way to combat any anxiety, frustration, or fear that I felt before departure was preparing as much as I possibly could. Two months into study abroad, I’ve… More
1. Choosing Where and How to Shop One aspect of London life that surprised me was all the options for grocery shopping. I am very familiar with the large chains back home in the US where I can find everything I need at once. Here in London, many… More
Background and Introduction Q: Tell us about yourself and how you came to study abroad with Arcadia Abroad.A: I am originally from St. Augustine, Florida, and the oldest of five children. Currently, I am a junior at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical… More
I’ve had the opportunity to explore some of the most iconic cities in the UK, but my recent day trip to Oxford was something truly special. Oxford is a place steeped in history, where every corner seems to have a story to tell, and on this adventure,… More