Why I'm Going to New Zealand


February 6, 2017
written by lauren herbine, a College of William and Mary student, who studied at victoria university of wellington in spring 2017. 

When people ask where I'm studying abroad next semester, their first reaction is usually "Wow! I hear it's gorgeous there, you're going to have a great time!" And yes, natural beauty was a large factor when I was shopping around. It's their follow up questions, though, that get at the true reason I wish to travel to the land of the Kiwis: "Isn't it hard to get there? And expensive? No one from around here will be there with you... wouldn't you rather go on a university sponsored trip with friends?" It is hard to get there- it means almost a full 24 hours of travel, one way, with multiple layovers and connecting flights. It is expensive- I've been applying to scholarships and working in preparation for the trip. But the very fact that I will know no one in the entire country is its largest appeal. I want to truly adventure on my own, to test my abilities and to experience a new culture and landscape completely as me, not as the person I've become assumed to be by the people who have known me forever.   

Wellington seems the perfect base for my New Zealand adventure. Being from a rural area and going to college in a small town, I am comfortable with intimate, community settings. Wellington will be the first city I'll live at any length in, a great place for me to explore urban life. That being said, it seems from research and tips from friends that it is still a manageable size with a thriving art culture and beautiful location. Victoria University will be the largest educational institution I've attended- which I am very excited to experience! I'm also looking forward to learning about New Zealand's geology (and getting some credits toward my major along the way is an added perk!).

During my four months in New Zealand, my first priority is to travel and see as much of the country as I can. I've been given recommendations for places such as Curio Bay and Fiordland National Park, but I'd also love to visit lesser known attractions (I do have four months, after all). Aside from random tips and Google Image searches though, I really don't know much about these amazing islands. It's not like Europe, where you're taught about each country's culture at least once in school. Perhaps we touched on Australia in a World History course, but at no time during my schooling did we learn about New Zealand. And so this country will be a totally blank slate for me. What are common traditions? What does school look like? Is Maori culture integrated into everyday life? What are national pastimes? I have no idea, and I am so incredibly excited to find out! I look forward to having my expectations overturned, to learning new things everyday, to experiencing a culture and a landscape so different from my own. I cannot wait for what New Zealand has in store!
