Welcome to the Home of Rugby

Jane Gunn-Lewis Director


September 23, 2016

Arcadia students studying at the University of Canterbury and Lincoln University were lucky enough to secure some tickets to the sold out international rugby championship between the world-famous New Zealand All Blacks and the South African Springboks. We felt the flames from the pyrotechnics as the All Blacks emerged out of the tunnel and got goosebumps as the All Blacks delivered their spine-tingling pre-match ritual known as the haka. Cheering on with 20,000 others, we witnessed the dominance of the All Blacks from start to finish as they thrashed the Springboks.

For many of the Arcadianz, this was their first taste of rugby, and although comparisons were made with American football, they all agreed it was a faster and more entertaining sport. Rugby is the national pastime in New Zealand and has become a global icon for the country. To witness the passion, ceremony and devotion that Kiwis place on rugby was an awesome introduction to Kiwi culture. At the final whistle, as the All Blacks were heading back to the changing rooms, with trophy in hand, some of the stars stopped by to take photos with the Arcadianz. It was the highlight to a memorable night of All Black rugby.