Gram for a TimTam

Kate Casey Assistant Director


October 11, 2016

In case you missed it, Arcadia New Zealand is on Instagram!

Gram for a TimTamEvery fortnight we’ve been running an Instagram competition we’ve dubbed Gram for a Timtam, where students enter a photo by posting a picture related to that week’s theme and hashtagging their pic. Our favourite photo by the end of the two weeks wins a packet of Timtams.

If you don’t know what a Timtam is, you’re seriously missing out and should probably book the next flight to New Zealand. They are chocolate biscuits (which you guys would call cookies) with a chocolate filling, coated in you guessed it, chocolate, and they leave New Zealand in bulk, hidden in the suitcases of Arcadia New Zealand students.Gram for a TimTam

With themes like kiwi nature, from a height and adventure, the competition has been an awesome way to see what our students get up to and has been a great way to showcase our amazing little country from all angles.

If you want to see more of NZ, check out some of our favourite entries below and make sure to search Instagram for our hashtag #arcadianzgram and follow us!
