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Pavlova Making with Jane

Some of you may have tuned in for our Instagram Live with our lovely Resident Director, Jane Gunn-Lewis showing us how to… More

Caitlin Barnett Assistant Director

Pavlova Making with Jane

Caitlin Barnett April 16, 2020

Some of you may have tuned in for our Instagram Live with our lovely Resident Director, Jane Gunn-Lewis showing us how to make a pavlova (if you don't already follow us on Instagram, follow us @ArcadiaNewZealand). We were so flattered with the overwhelming… More

Raglan Activity Weekend

Libby Turnbull April 25, 2018

The Raglan trip had been on our calendars for weeks, so it was with great excitement that we all piled into the bus with our trusty driver Takashe at 1pm outside the student apartments. Spirits were high as everyone chatted about their first couple of… More

Super Rugby

Elena Piere September 20, 2017

Rugby is absolutely everywhere in New Zealand! Maybe you have heard talk of the All Blacks or the Haka? These are both part of this sport, that in New Zealand is seen as a way of life. It is unofficially our national sport and most kiwis absolutely love… More

Queen Charlotte Activity Weekend

Elena Piere August 23, 2017

The Queen Charlotte sound is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places in New Zealand. Calm turquoise seas lap against small beaches, and tumbled hill-sides carry the ever-green native forests right down to the high tide mark. Only the native birds… More


Elena Piere July 5, 2017

It's first thing in the morning, still dark outside and Jane, Kate and I are bouncing with excitement at the arrivals gate of Auckland international airport. We are decked out with ArcadiaNZ t-shirts and big Arcadia signs, ready to wave down our students… More

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