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Semester One Photo Contest 2018

With our goodbyes underway of our fantastic students this semester, we have been up and down the country attending the farewell… More

Libby Turnbull Student Support Coordinator, Otago


Libby Turnbull


Student Support Coordinator, Otago

Semester One Photo Contest 2018

Libby Turnbull June 25, 2018

With our goodbyes underway of our fantastic students this semester, we have been up and down the country attending the farewell dinners. Once again, the semester has flown by and we are not quite ready for our students to leave just yet. Some are already… More

The Traditional NZ Haka

Libby Turnbull May 8, 2018

Most people would have seen the New Zealand All Blacks performing the haka at the start of a rugby match, and whether this is witnessed through the telly or in person, it sparks a thrill amongst the entire audience. Staring their opponents in the eye… More

Raglan Activity Weekend

Libby Turnbull April 25, 2018

The Raglan trip had been on our calendars for weeks, so it was with great excitement that we all piled into the bus with our trusty driver Takashe at 1pm outside the student apartments. Spirits were high as everyone chatted about their first couple of… More