Pope Francis’ Visit to the UN World Food Programme Headquarters

Chiara Baldussi Operations Officer


June 23, 2016
BY caroline beckmann, Arcadia in rome-spring 2016/williams college student and ARCADIA IN ROME INTERN-SUMMER 2016 

As an intern at the United Nations World Food Programme this summer, I was fortunate enough to be present for the first Papal visit to the WFP on June 13, 2016. There was so much excitement leading up to the day: increased security measures, rules about where staff members could be during the morning, what we could wear, etc. Most WFP staff members decided to work from home. I thought about working from home as well, but I am very happy that I decided to go to work last Monday.

Pope Francis visited the WFP headquarters to speak with the staff members and pay tribute those who lost their lives working to end hunger in countries around the world. We were only allowed to watch the initial procession and speech to the WFP Board of Directors on a live stream video in our offices. I sat at my desk and attempted to work, but was far too distracted by what was occurring three floors below where I was sitting.

Throughout the morning, the beloved Papa Francesco asked member states of the UN to support WFP's initiative for Zero Hunger. He also spoke about some of the challenges to food security including conflict, food waste, and the "information overload" which he believes is leading to insensitivity toward extreme poverty. Pope Francis has been a key leader in the fight against world hunger. He implements not only prayer but also taking action against the hunger crisis.

Everything was on a very strict schedule for security purposes, and we needed to be outside to witness the Pope's address to WFP HQ staff members at 10:30. However, my co-worker Soley and I, (we were the only two in the office that morning) decided to go out a bit early because I was overexcited and we wanted to get a good spot to see Pope Francis' address.

We moved pretty close and watched him finishing his speech to the Board of Directors on the big TV screen placed outside for our viewing. We waited anxiously as the Pope made his way through the WFP Peace Garden to address the staff. Pope Francis gave his statement in Italian, so I could only understand pieces of what he was saying to us, but it was still amazing to see him speak.

He ended his address by asking us to pray for him: "Thank you and please pray for me so that I too can do something against hunger in the world."

The Pope's visit to WFP Headquarters in Rome not only allowed me to get great pictures, and be within close proximity to such an amazing person but more importantly, highlighted the importance of ending hunger around the world.
