Happy Birthday, Rome!

Chiara Baldussi Operations Officer


April 21, 2016

Today Rome celebrates its 2769th! Known as Natale di Roma, the annual birthday celebration is based on the legendary foundation of Rome by Romulus in 753 BC. A novelty this year will be the switching on of a new lighting system at the Roman Fora of Nerva, Augustus and Trajan at 8.30pm.

The foundation of Rome is marked at the Circus Maximus in the afternoon with a number of ceremonies. Among these is the trench-digging ritual, known as the tracciato del solco. This tradition recalls the founding of ancient Roman towns when a trench or mundus was dug and offerings thrown into it to encourage the gods to watch over the town’s inhabitants.

Roseto of Rome

Don’t miss the amazing visit to the Rose Garden of Rome. It’s strongly recommended for romantic photo souvenirs!

You can enter for free this little park totally devoted to the most romantic flower, the rose. There are 1200 different species, many of them gifts from countries around the world. The Rome Rose Garden covers 10000 m square and each section has rose varieties characteristic of, or grown in, the respective variety. 

The Roseto is also worth for the incredible view of the Palatine ruins that you can enjoy from it and many newly-wedded couples choose it as a backdrop for their photos. The area was actually always dedicated to flowers, since the third century BC. 


"Triumphs and Laments" is a multidisciplinary cultural project of William Kentridge for Rome. The show will open with a live theatrical program, free to the public, tonight at 8:30pm and on April 22, 2016 at 8:30pm and 10:30pm.

If you are in Rome be there!


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