Day of Gratitude

Sarra Chadi Student Life Health and Safety Assistant Director


April 19, 2017

Nigerian Fundraiser Dinner

A wonderful thing happened last week!

Thanks to a generous donation from one of our Trustees and Arcadia Alumni, Lyanne Wassermann​, Arcadia Rome has sponsored a Nigerian fundraiser dinner at the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center.

The purpose was to highlight the culture and cuisine of Nigeria, home to many of the guests of the center.
A big thank you goes to the group of students who dedicated some of their time to the preparation of the event, from helping with the shopping to the cleaning and setting up the tables.

Pinar O., currently doing her internship at the JNRC, created the flyer for the event and put up a slide show on Nigerian artifacts and music.

The food was prepared by two Nigerian women, also guests and contributors to the soul of Joel Nafuma Refugee Center.

Located in the crypt of St. Paul Within the Walls, the JNRC has welcomed more than 200 guests each weekday since 1995.


Student Life