A Beach Volley game

Chiara Baldussi Operations Officer


July 26, 2018


The 26th of June we went to play a beach volley game, to the Moon River Sports Association. This sport center is well-organized and well-stocked, in fact inside it you’ll find some beach volley courts, some soccer courts, a swimming pool, some tennis courts, male and female locker rooms and obviously a refreshment area with a café. It looks like a green and pacific oasis, even though is placed next to Viale Marconi, a very congested area.

Anyway, we paid 4 euros each person end we could use the court for 1 hour. We played two games and it was very funny, and the weather was perfect too. It was sunny, but not too hot so we could easily play without any troubles, and during the break between the games we sit all together on the sand chatting a little bit. It felt like we were spending some time on the beach, relaxing and playing volleyball, even though we weren’t any close to the beach.

Personally I find this kind of sport centers very important for metropolis like Rome, because they are just inside the city and easily approachable to everyone, but they make you feel far away from the stress and the traffic of the city itself. Just like parks (which in Rome are a lot for very good reasons) but in this center you pay a small sum of money and you have the opportunity to play a sport in a real sport field.