Our Fall 2024 Events and Co-Curricular Excursions

Paola Cascinelli July 23, 2024

Studying in Italy this coming Fall? We have a fantastic set of events and co-curricular excursions planned to discover Italy and beyond! A colazione in Perugia - Free Event  If you are an Arcadia student in Perugia, few days following your arrival join… More

Events and Activities Summer 24

Paola Cascinelli April 20, 2024

We're so excited to welcome you to Italy this summer and are pleased to offer various co-curricular excursions that will allow you to discover your "home away from home!" A Day in the Countryside - Free Event! (Required for all students) The staff will… More

Easter in Italy

Arcadia Abroad March 31, 2024

Happy Easter to everyone!Easter is a major holiday in Christianity, celebrating the resurrection of Christ and for believers marks a time of renewal and hope. The term Easter comes from the Greek, “Pascha”, in turn from the Aramaic pasah and properly… More

When in Rome

Maddison McMaken April 13, 2023

Recently I traveled to Rome with Accademia Italiana, the fashion and fine arts school I am attending in  Florence, Italy. This is one of several trips offered each semester and I have to say it was one of my favorites.   I’ve been in Italy since September… More

Fall 22 Italy Events

Dr. Paola Cascinelli July 16, 2022

Arcadia Italy Orientation in the Countryside - MandatoryOn Saturday, September the 19th, early in the morning, we'll meet the Arcadia Italy Students in Perugia or Florence to take them to our very special, much loved Italian venue: the Orsini Family Farm… More

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