Forum of Caesar Light Show

Sarra Chadi August 2, 2018

  BY ILARIA D'ONOFRIO, PROGRAM ASSISTANT, SUMMER 2018 The 19th of June me and some American students went to visit the famous Forum of Caesar, but it wasn’t just an ordinary guided tour. We arrived at the entrance of the forum, next to Trajan’s Column… More

A Beach Volley game

Chiara Baldussi July 26, 2018

BY ILARIA D'ONOFRIO, PROGRAM ASSISTANT, SUMMER 2018 The 26th of June we went to play a beach volley game, to the Moon River Sports Association. This sport center is well-organized and well-stocked, in fact inside it you’ll find some beach volley courts… More

The Opera: La Traviata

Sarra Chadi July 19, 2018

By Ilaria d'onofrio, program assistant, summer 2018 On Friday night, the 13th of July, we went to see the opera show titled La Traviata, immersed in the beautiful scenery of the Baths of Caracalla. First of all let’s talk about the place we were that… More

Orientation in the Countryside

Tina Rocchio January 27, 2018

Here is a bit of a summary on our celebratory day in the countryside! We began the day at Piramide Metro Station; as a last-minute switcharoo, I took nearly half the group off to the Farmer's Market of Circo Massimo (Saturdays&Sundays only) while the… More

Natale di Roma

Chiara Baldussi April 21, 2017

Known as Natale di Roma, the annual birthday (2.770th) celebration is based on the legendary Foundation of Rome by Romulus in 753 BC. On the big day itself, April 21st, the Foundation of Rome is marked at the Circus Maximus in the afternoon with a number… More

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