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A Quarantine Diary

text and Photos by Vito Zagarrio, Arcadia Rome Center Professor of “Framing Italy: Film Studies & Filmmaking in Rome” and… More

Chiara Baldussi Operations Officer

A Quarantine Diary

Chiara Baldussi April 24, 2020

text and Photos by Vito Zagarrio, Arcadia Rome Center Professor of “Framing Italy: Film Studies & Filmmaking in Rome” and Professor at Università degli studi Roma Tre. I start from my job: that is, from my habit of looking at the world through images… More

Discovering Rome: The Musumeci Greco Arms Academy

Chiara Baldussi April 22, 2020

Written by Lorenza Decarli,  Administration and Finance Manager for Italy Programs in the Arcadia Italy Center When you walk on the streets of big cities you can sense a lively pulsing community. In an metropolis like Rome, with thousands of years of… More

A Semester in Florence: Madeleine's Perspective

Sarra Chadi April 16, 2020

Written by Madeleine Montz, student from Arcadia University who studied on the Arcadia Florence Program in the Spring of 2020. Studying abroad in Florence was quite literally like a movie, a dream come true. Every street was occupied with buildings… More

Cooking with Carla

Sarra Chadi April 15, 2020

Cooking classes at Carla’s home is one of the students highlights of the semester in Rome. From the moment you enter her nice and cozy loft, you immediately feel at home, comfortable and ready to learn how to prepare traditional and local favourites… More

A Different Easter

Chiara Baldussi April 14, 2020

Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi (Christmas with your family, Easter with whoever you want), it is a common phrase we use in Italian. Despite this saying Easter Sunday is usually spent with family. Unfortunately, this year the tradition has been… More

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