Organising your wardrobe for the move DOWN UNDER!

Maria Lasat December 6, 2023

Packing across the world can seem challenging or overwhelming, especially if you’re moving far from home. But knowing how to approach the process with a few tips and tricks packing list will make packing far less stressful.    Key Takeaways It’s… More

Spring 2024 Events for NSW Students

Maria Lasat November 29, 2023

(UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SYDNEY; MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY; UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY; UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG; UNSW SYDNEY) We are absolutely ecstatic that you've chosen Arcadia Study Abroad Australia to kick off your journey as an international student! We've… More

Learning how to E-Learn

Sarah Stockton April 29, 2020

 Much like COVID-19, e-learning has thrusted itself upon us where we have had to accept the requirements and push through the challenges. One student told me that it’s been difficult because her lectures are now at nighttime and that she has to factor… More