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On Cultural Tourism

Dale Mittleman, Villanova student, Arcadia in Rome - Fall 2016 Contexts are important, not only because they embed specific… More

Dr. Vicky Kynourgiopoulou Instructor


Dr. Vicky Kynourgiopoulou



On Cultural Tourism

Dr. Vicky Kynourgiopoulou December 14, 2016

Dale Mittleman, Villanova student, Arcadia in Rome - Fall 2016 Contexts are important, not only because they embed specific phenomena in more general historical, urban, political, artistic or economic circumstances, but mostly because they themselves… More

A Day at the Occupied 4 Stars Hotel

Dr. Vicky Kynourgiopoulou February 22, 2016

Fundamental Rights and Cultural Diversity in Rome By Professors Stefania Gialdroni and Vicky Kynourgiopoulou Once upon a time, the Eurostar Roma Congress Hotel was an elegant, business-oriented hotel in the neighborhood of Tor Sapienza, in the eastern… More

Discovering the South of Italy

Dr. Vicky Kynourgiopoulou December 3, 2015

Academic Excursion to the Southern Italian town of Matera By Professors Marta Perrotta and Ben Scribner Matera was one of the first human settlements in Italy, and among the most active filming locations in the country, chosen by Pier Paolo Pasolini… More

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