
Chiara Baldussi


Operations Officer

Discovering Rome: The Musumeci Greco Arms Academy

Chiara Baldussi April 22, 2020

Written by Lorenza Decarli,  Administration and Finance Manager for Italy Programs in the Arcadia Italy Center When you walk on the streets of big cities you can sense a lively pulsing community. In an metropolis like Rome, with thousands of years of… More

A Different Easter

Chiara Baldussi April 14, 2020

Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi (Christmas with your family, Easter with whoever you want), it is a common phrase we use in Italian. Despite this saying Easter Sunday is usually spent with family. Unfortunately, this year the tradition has been… More

Museums Might Be Closed. But They Are Still Open.

Chiara Baldussi April 1, 2020

Written by Emily Dellheim, Arcadia University Rome Center Professor for “Museum Practices in Rome: The History of Collecting”. Italy. Being the country with the world’s highest concentration of UNESCO cultural heritage sites (55 to be exact), means beauty… More

Is Art necessary or useful in time of crisis?

Chiara Baldussi March 26, 2020

Written by Raffaele Furno, Modern Life in the Eternal City Professor, Arcadia Rome On the first day of class, I always ask my students why they picked Rome for their study abroad experience. Unsurprisingly, they reply that they came for the art, the… More

A Special Halloween

Chiara Baldussi October 31, 2019

It’s Halloween and our Rome students are in Fall break exploring Italy, Europe, or maybe just enjoying the Eternal City with their family and friends. For all those who are in Rome and still looking for a special Halloween celebration we would highly… More

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