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Learning Italian: Jake's Experience.

Written by Jake Robinson, a Villanova University student who studied on the Arcadia Rome Program in the Spring of 2020. … More

Chiara Baldussi Operations Officer


Chiara Baldussi


Operations Officer

Learning Italian: Jake's Experience.

Chiara Baldussi June 1, 2020

Written by Jake Robinson, a Villanova University student who studied on the Arcadia Rome Program in the Spring of 2020.     One aspect about studying abroad that stood out to me the most was language learning. I had read articles in the past about… More

Spring Semester Farewell 2020

Chiara Baldussi May 4, 2020

  The end of this unexpected Spring Semester has come.    Although many changes have occured to our semester We, Arcadia Italy Center, are proud to announce that the tradition of the Farewell Party remains.    It will take place….  Virtually!   Our… More

A Quarantine Diary

Chiara Baldussi April 24, 2020

text and Photos by Vito Zagarrio, Arcadia Rome Center Professor of “Framing Italy: Film Studies & Filmmaking in Rome” and Professor at Università degli studi Roma Tre. I start from my job: that is, from my habit of looking at the world through images… More

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