Piazza Testaccio Restored to Former Glory

Tina Rocchio March 10, 2015

A neighborhood square has been carefully recreated in the Roman ​neighbourhood of Testaccio, ​a short walk away from Roma Tre University and Arcadia University's Rome Center. This time-lapse shows the incredible workmanship and dedication that went… More

Puzzle Solving in 3D

Student Voices March 3, 2015

Arcadia Students make the news with 3D archaeology The Arcadia Sicily Center faculty and students have been involved in a high-tech challenge aimed at solving some puzzling archaeological problems. The director of the archaeological museum of Siracusa… More

EXPO Milano 2015

Tina Rocchio February 25, 2015

Arcadia Faculty and Students Take Up the Challenge of EXPO Milano 2015   By, Paola Moroni, Professor of Italian Language, Sicily Center I am really proud and thrilled to say that my Arcadia in Sicily students and I are participating in EXPO Milano… More

Spotlight on Prof Tanasi

Tina Rocchio February 2, 2015

Dear Siracusani and future Siracusani, Combining my years as a student and those as a resident in Italy, I have now spent 30 years dedicated to the promotion and divulgation of Italy and Italian culture. My main areas of focus have always lived in contemporary… More

A Message from the Director

Tina Rocchio January 30, 2015

Saluti from the Arcadia Italy Programs! Every semester I send out a welcome letter to all of our students about to embark on one of our Italy programs; if you are currently studying here with us, you'll have received that letter addressed Carissimi Fiorentini… More

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