UN World Food Day from an Intern's Perspective

Student Voices October 13, 2016

By Sabrina Verleysen, Villanova Student, Arcadia in Rome - Fall 2016 I am a Junior Communication and Spanish double major from Villanova University. As an intern at the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development in Rome, I have the… More

October Extra-Curricular Activities

Chiara Baldussi October 6, 2016

October is a great month for our extra-curricular activities! Check out the details below, and stay up-to-date through our Facebook Fall16 group. CAESAR Forum light Show The automated voice-over, through headphones will guide you through the story of… More

Buone Ferie!

Tina Rocchio July 29, 2016

In Rome, one doesn’t just “take the heat”, she absorbs it, assimilates it, becomes it. In my primer years, before becoming fully Italian, I would roll around naked on the ceramic tile floors of my newlywed apartment in a small bowl of a city in Tuscany… More

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