Student Interview: Stephanie Maggio, Sydney Internship Program with UTS , Spring 2018


July 9, 2018

We had the pleasure of having Stephanie Maggio, from Arcadia University take part in our Arcadia Sydney Internship Program that partners with UTS this past Spring. Steph had a fabulous semester and was very involved with the Arcadia co-curricular program, her workplace and the UTS mountaineering club. Steph has kindly shared her experience with us and provides great advice for students studying anywhere in Australia.

Student Interview: Stephanie Maggio

PROGRAM: Arcadia Sydney Internship Program with UTS

Why did you choose UTS? 

When choosing my university, I knew I wanted to be in a big city and I was also interested in working while studying. I figured it would be a great opportunity to further integrate myself while at the same time getting an entirely different experience that would be outside the student/university setting. When going over options and what I wanted to get out of my abroad experience with my study abroad advisor, he mentioned the Sydney Internship Program when hearing I wanted to work at the same time! After doing some more research into UTS and seeing if the classes offered would fit into what I needed to take for my Biology degree, I knew there was no better choice!

What was the most challenging aspect of your transition from American college life to Australian Uni life? (how did you overcome them?)

The hardest aspect of Uni life in Australia was that I found myself with less time in class and way more during the week. I’m used to having classes multiple times per week, with plenty of opportunities to speak face to face with professors, rather than just once a week which was the case in my classes at UTS. I noticed this was becoming an issue after the first 2 weeks, I found that by the Friday I would forget material quicker than usual for a class I had on Monday and felt way more behind than ever! I changed this really quickly by recording lectures and blocking out time to listen and retake notes. Specifically, for my Programming course, I would attend weekly UPass sessions, which were additional group lessons, to have more opportunities to practice since coding was something I had little experience with. This kept me on track and up to date throughout the semester!

What did a normal day or week look like for you?

For me a normal week would be pretty packed, I like to keep busy! Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays were my University lecture and lab practical days. Monday I would basically spend all day in class, 9:00am – 4pm but, after a quick dinner I would head over to the UTSOAC’s club climbing night at The Ledge, the climbing centre at USyd, and at around 8:30pm we would all go to a nearby pub, Flodge or Forest Lodge Hotel, and for food and drinks. Tuesday’s was an early start, 8am for computer labs and then a break until my next lecture at around 2pm until 4pm. I would usually spend this time between classes doing notes, relaxing or going out to lunch with friends! Wednesday mornings, Thursdays and Fridays I would be at my internship and RANZCR, The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiology, where I worked in their Policy and Advocacy division. Wednesdays I’d take a half day because of my lecture at 2pm, then my afternoons were pretty flexible. Thursdays and Friday, I would be at my internship from 9:30 am to around 5pm and similar to my Wednesday evenings, my time was flexible. As for my weekends, most of the time I would be going out of Sydney to the Blue Mountains, Wollongong, and many other areas outside the city. I would go on trips for climbing, abseiling, canyoning, hiking, snorkelling and the beach in the beginning when it was still warm!

What was your favourite excursion with Arcadia?

My favourite excursion with Arcadia, that’s hard to choose but if I had to pick one I would say the Broken Bay trip, though I really enjoyed the Canberra trip too! As for Broken Bay, I really loved having the opportunity to get away from the city and be off the grid for a bit of time! Especially since it was near the beginning of the semester which was about the point where getting away from the city for a weekend was needed! It was refreshing to wake up early and sit on the water to watch the sunrise or even go for an early morning run! It loved that it gave us the opportunity to see and meet all of the other students from our orientation in Melbourne and from the other universities around Sydney. It was a great couple of days getting closer to each other and learning more about Australian culture at the same time!

What is one thing that every student studying abroad should do?

I think for every study abroad student it’s important to get learn to become comfortable with being yourself! Especially in the bringing where you may be alone more often, getting involved and out of your comfort zone, as cliché as that sounds, it’s true!! Join all the clubs you might be interested in and see what they have to offer! Don’t be afraid to chat with the people sitting next to you or even in the elevator because this is when everyone is open to meeting new people and making friends! It may not always work out with the first people you meet but, there are always places to meet people! Also, if you’re in a big city like Sydney you don’t have to stay within the University, find a city running club online, or sailing classes at the harbour, there are so many opportunities outside the University!

What will you miss about Australia?

I will 100% miss the people I’ve met and made so many memories with, even thinking about it makes me want to cry! I know I will go back someday and see everyone again as well as visit everyone from all the other places around the world!

How did Arcadia have an impact on your experience?

Without Arcadia I would have never gotten the opportunity to meet so many other students from around the country or work at an amazing place like RANZCR or meet the outstanding Sydney coordinators Patrick, Holly and Mazz! I am forever grateful to have had these amazing life changing experiences and could not be more thankful!