Self-reflection internships presentations: Spring Students 2024

Patricia Tortosa INTERNSHIPS


May 26, 2024

As internships come to a close, it's always inspiring to hear about the experiences and growth our interns have achieved. Today, I am excited to share the self-reflections of four exceptional interns, who recently completed their internships during this semester.

Zoe's Self-Reflection on Her Internship Experience at Soda Communications


Zoe recently completed an enriching internship at Soda Communications, a dynamic company known for its innovative approach to media and communications. Her self-reflection presentation offers insights into her goals, the learning experiences she encountered, and the personal and professional growth she achieved during her time at the company.


Internship Goals

From the outset, Zoe was clear about what she hoped to gain from her internship at Soda Communications. She aimed to immerse herself in the practical aspects of media and communications, seeking hands-on experience that would complement her academic knowledge. Zoe was particularly interested in understanding how theoretical concepts are applied in real-world scenarios, as well as in developing her technical skills and professional network.


About Soda Communications

Soda Communications is a cutting-edge company that specializes in various aspects of media production and communications strategies. The company is known for its creative projects and forward-thinking approach, which provided Zoe with an ideal environment to explore her interests and develop her skills. Throughout her internship, she was involved in multiple projects that spanned different areas of media and communications, giving her a comprehensive understanding of the industry.

Roles and Responsibilities

Zoe's role at Soda Communications was multifaceted, allowing her to engage in a variety of tasks and responsibilities. She was involved in content creation, social media management, and project coordination. One of her primary responsibilities was assisting in the production of multimedia content, including video editing and graphic design. This role required her to apply her technical skills and learn new software tools, enhancing her proficiency in media production.

In addition to her technical tasks, Zoe also played a significant role in the company's social media strategy. She was responsible for creating and scheduling posts, monitoring engagement, and analyzing social media metrics. This aspect of her role helped her develop a deeper understanding of digital marketing and audience engagement.


Learning Experiences

Zoe's internship was filled with valuable learning experiences that contributed to her personal and professional growth. One of the most significant lessons she learned was the importance of effective communication and teamwork. Working closely with her colleagues, Zoe realized how crucial collaboration is in the media industry. She honed her communication skills, both verbal and written, and learned how to convey ideas clearly and persuasively.

Another key learning experience for Zoe was the development of her problem-solving skills. She often encountered challenges that required creative solutions, whether it was troubleshooting technical issues or devising innovative content strategies. This aspect of her internship helped her become more adaptable and resourceful.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

Like any internship, Zoe's experience at Soda Communications came with its share of challenges. One of the initial difficulties she faced was adjusting to the fast-paced work environment. The dynamic nature of the media industry required her to manage multiple tasks simultaneously and meet tight deadlines. However, with the support of her supervisor and colleagues, Zoe quickly adapted to the demands of her role and developed effective time management skills.

Another challenge was the steep learning curve associated with new software tools and technologies. Zoe had to familiarize herself with various media production tools, which was initially daunting. However, she approached this challenge with determination and utilized online resources and tutorials to enhance her learning.

Personal and Professional Growth

Zoe's internship at Soda Communications was a period of significant personal and professional growth. She emerged from the experience with enhanced technical skills, a deeper understanding of the media industry, and a stronger professional network. Her ability to communicate effectively, manage her time efficiently, and solve problems creatively were all skills that were greatly developed during her internship.

Moreover, Zoe gained valuable insights into her career aspirations. Her exposure to different facets of media production and communications helped her identify her strengths and interests, guiding her future career choices. She also built lasting relationships with her colleagues and mentors, who provided her with guidance and support throughout her internship.


Zoe's self-reflection on her internship at Soda Communications highlights the transformative impact of her experience. The internship not only equipped her with practical skills and industry knowledge but also contributed to her overall personal development. Zoe is grateful for the opportunities she had at Soda Communications and is confident that the lessons learned and connections made will serve her well in her future endeavors.

Bennet's Internship Experience at Smart Energy Council


Bennet recently completed an enriching internship at the Smart Energy Council (SEC) of Australia. This post delves into his journey and the invaluable experiences he gained while working with this dynamic organization.

About Smart Energy Council

The Smart Energy Council is an independent body championing the smart energy industry in Australia. Their focus includes clean energy solutions such as solar panels, wind turbines, and hydrogen fuel cells. The SEC collaborates closely with member organizations and the government to advocate for smart energy policies and practices.

Bennet's Role and Responsibilities

During his internship, Bennet took on various roles and contributed to multiple aspects of the SEC’s operations:

Conducted research on environmental agreements and their impacts.

- Assisted in preparing major reports, including recommendations for Australia's net-zero 2050 plan.

- Supported the planning and execution of key conferences and seminars.

- Participated in events like Climate Action Week, advocating for clean energy and networking with industry professionals.

- Collaborated with the administrative team on daily operations.

- Handled various smaller projects and provided general support as needed.

Highlights and Key Experiences

- Attended a significant industry conference with over 10,000 participants, including prominent figures like James Bowen, Australia's Minister of Climate.

- Contributed to the smooth running of the conference and engaged with key stakeholders.

- Played a role in drafting policy recommendations for the Australian government.

- Advocated for the SEC’s positions at various events and discussions.

Personal Growth and Insights

As a biochemistry major, Bennet explored new territory in the renewable energy sector.

Discovered fascinating intersections between biochemistry and renewable energy, such as the use of modified organisms in hydrogen fuel cells.

Gained insights from diverse perspectives and industry practices.

Motivated by a passion for sustainability, Bennet found his values aligned with the SEC’s mission.

The experience reinforced his commitment to contributing to the renewable energy industry.


Bennet's internship at the Smart Energy Council was a transformative experience that broadened his horizons and deepened his commitment to sustainability. He is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to meaningful projects and engage with inspiring professionals. This journey has equipped him with valuable skills and insights that he looks forward to applying in his future career


Samay's Internship Experience at RANZCAR


Samay recently completed an enriching internship with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCAR), working in the Human Resources (HR) department within the People and Culture team. This blog post delves into his experiences, responsibilities, and the invaluable insights he gained during his time at RANZCAR.


RANZCAR is a professional organization dedicated to the advancement of clinical radiology and radiation oncology in Australia and New Zealand. The organization plays a critical role in setting standards, providing education, advocating for cancer patients, and supporting future medical professionals through rigorous training programs. With over 100 staff members, RANZCAR fosters a collaborative and dynamic work culture.

Samay's Role and Responsibilities

During his internship, Samay undertook a variety of tasks and responsibilities, each contributing to his professional growth and understanding of HR processes:

1. Learning Opportunities:

   - Cultural Knowledge: Samay adapted to the Australian workplace norms, which emphasized a relaxed atmosphere, socialization, and a strong coffee culture. He noted the informal and approachable nature of his colleagues.

   - Legislative Knowledge:*He learned about Australian employment laws, such as superannuation and various types of employment contracts, which was crucial for his role in drafting and managing contracts.

   - Corporate Experience:Transitioning to a corporate environment, especially in healthcare, was new for Samay. He quickly picked up necessary skills and terminology to thrive in this setting.

2. Recruitment and Onboarding:

   - Samay played a significant role in the recruitment process, which involved drafting job advertisements, screening candidates, scheduling interviews, and communicating with both candidates and hiring managers.

   - He gained hands-on experience in conducting phone screenings and learned the importance of clear communication and organization in the recruitment process.

3. Administrative Tasks:

   - Samay managed various audits, ensuring compliance and accuracy in staff records. This task helped him familiarize himself with the organization's personnel and improve his organizational skills.

   - He took ownership of these tasks, demonstrating his ability to work independently and efficiently.

4. Creativity and Teamwork:

   - While he found creative tasks challenging, Samay learned the importance of teamwork and covering for colleagues when necessary.

   - He emphasized the significance of maintaining and developing professional relationships through consistent follow-up and social interactions.

Personal and Professional Growth

Samay highlighted several key takeaways from his internship:

- Cultural Adaptation: Adapting to a new cultural and professional environment was both challenging and rewarding. Samay learned to embrace the informal and social nature of the Australian workplace.

- Career Insights:He gained a deeper understanding of the various aspects of HR and identified areas that aligned with his career interests in organizational psychology.

- Workplace Culture: The supportive and collaborative culture at RANZCAR greatly enhanced his experience, motivating him to be productive and engaged.


Samay's internship at RANZCAR was a transformative experience, providing him with valuable skills, professional insights, and a supportive network. His journey highlights the importance of adaptability, continuous learning, and building meaningful relationships in the workplace. Samay's reflection serves as an inspiring example for other interns and professionals entering new and diverse fields.

Ceri's Internship Experience at EZERUS: A Journey of Growth and Innovation


Ceri recently completed an insightful and challenging internship with EZERUS, a company known for its innovative approach to technology and business. This post delves into Ceri's motivations for choosing this internship, the unique environment at EZERUS, and the valuable lessons learned along the way.

Aims and Expectations

Going into the internship, Ceri aimed to gain exposure to different business environments and mindsets. Specifically, he was keen on understanding the dynamics of a small business and how it operates, particularly in a digital agency setting. Ceri sought to learn from diverse experiences, hoping to broaden his perspective and enhance his skills in various business and digital domains.


EZERUS is not just any digital agency; it stands out for its commitment to innovation. The company constantly launches new products, keeping its approach fresh and dynamic. This innovative spirit is driven by Jeremy, Ceri’s supervisor, who has a unique way of thinking and a knack for turning ideas into action. EZERUS's work includes everything from streamlining online purchases to creating apps that enhance customer experiences by locating nearby stores.

Roles and Responsibilities

Ceri’s responsibilities were diverse and demanding. He was involved in content generation for marketing, competitor analysis, and even some technical tasks like coding and design. One memorable task was integrating a discount code into a client's website, a project that required Ceri to learn new skills quickly and effectively. Jeremy’s feedback, though sometimes blunt, was invaluable in helping Ceri improve and refine his work.

Challenges and Growth

The most challenging aspect of the internship was the sheer level of exposure to unfamiliar tasks and concepts. Ceri often had to research and understand new systems and technologies on his own. This self-directed learning approach, though tough, proved to be incredibly rewarding. Ceri learned the importance of AI in business, realizing that AI should be at the core of many business processes to enhance efficiency and innovation.

Key Takeaways

One of the most significant benefits of the internship was the opportunity for personal and professional growth. Ceri developed a deeper understanding of business operations, particularly the role of AI and automation. He also honed his leadership skills by managing a team member and learned the value of human input in technology-driven tasks. The experience of working closely with Jeremy and engaging in deep conversations about business ideas and strategies was particularly enriching.


Ceri's internship at EZERUS was an exceptional experience that offered a blend of challenges and learning opportunities. It allowed him to step out of his comfort zone, adapt to new environments, and develop a broad set of skills. The innovative culture at EZERUS, combined with Jeremy’s unique mentoring style, made this internship a truly transformative experience for Ceri.
