Instagram Winners for Spring 2018

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham Student Liason Officer


May 22, 2018

Instagram winners!

We had some amazing entries for the Instagram competition this semester!

Will Snell from Arcadia University tied for First place with his pics of Uluru - our beautiful national landmark in the Northern Territory.  Will studied abroad at Bond University.

Cassandra Ingram from Pacific Lutheran University won first place with her pictures of cockatoo's at the Blue Mountains in NSW. Cassandra also studied at Bond University.

Cassandra also won second prize for her epic shot of the Bondi Icebergs club just outside Sydney.

Cali Wilcockson won third prize with a snap of the War Memorial from the Australian Signature excursion to Canberra, she is also studying abroad with Arcadia University and went to University of Technology in Sydney.

Well done folks! What epic adventures you've had!