Bats, Biscuits and Byron Bay

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham Student Liason Officer


July 30, 2018

Griffith Orientation started with a quick stop at their new home to drop off bags and then continue down the coast to spend the afternoon on the beach at Lennox Heads enjoying the sand and the sunshine.

Our accommodation was an old converted church which looked a little like the grand hall from Harry Potter with the added convenience of a sparkling new modern kitchen.  So first things first we got our hands crummy and made Anzac biscuits from scratch.  There's nothing quite like being in an old church with the sweet smell of baking rising from every crevice - especially when it's cold and rainy and the wind is whistling through the gaps in the windows.  There was much debate from the staff about which biccy's were best but the winners took home the prize of a pack of caramello Koala's.

We gathered at the dining table for family dinner and were joined by an unexpected guest.... not a ghost, although Cat and myself did rather question whether there was one in the front room - we got chills walking in there.  It was a local Bat! One foul swoop and all students had evacuated to the kitchen - if the poor bat had sensitive hearing beforehand - now it had none.  We managed to get it out one of the windows and then continued with dinner and Anzac biccy's for dessert. 

The morning dawned clear so we headed to Broken head for a beautiful sunrise walk and spent the rest of the day creating vision boards and checking out Byron Bay township.  Our local cinema provided a perfect night time winter escape to warm the cockles of our hearts with popcorn and old school bench seats.  The front row even had an area to lie down with pillows - you won't need two guesses to figure out where the students chose.

Sunday was an early surf and then breakie in the Bay - we had an indigenous tour of the cape and even got to climb the lighthouse.  The views from the top were spectacular. What a way to spend a weekend.