Queenscliff Orientation

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham February 18, 2016

Melbourne and North Queensland – couldn’t be further apart but the students made friends with the long distance neighbours at the orientation at Queenscliff. We had fun and games with the Aussie scavenger hunt challenge and many laughs and hugs were had… More

Bond Spring 2016 Orientation

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham January 26, 2016

38 brand new students from all over the USA arrived bleary eyed but excited and ready for a 4-day orientation in Melbourne. Amongst the all the important information we also managed a boat tour out to Williamstown and a spooky historic ghost tour of Melbourne… More

New Arrivals!

Marion Finlay August 12, 2015

At the Melbourne Center, we have been welcoming in all of our new students who have just recently arrived in Australia. We have been holding local events as well as welcome dinners right across the country. This is a great way to catch up with students… More

Best Things About Oz in Winter

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham June 8, 2015

So you’ve decided to study in Australia over the winter? With so many choices ... Welcome to paradise!  Wanting some relief from the chilly winter winds? The Whitsundays in Tropical North Queensland have average daily temps of 25 degrees or 77 Fahrenheit… More

Top Picks in Queensland

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham April 30, 2015

There are a stack of travel blogs, Buzzfeeds, websites and articles all bombarding tourists and study abroad students, with pretty pictures and overly descriptive phrases telling them they HAVE to see this place or that... So I decided I am going to compile… More

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