Best Things About Oz in Winter

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham June 8, 2015

So you’ve decided to study in Australia over the winter? With so many choices ... Welcome to paradise!  Wanting some relief from the chilly winter winds? The Whitsundays in Tropical North Queensland have average daily temps of 25 degrees or 77 Fahrenheit… More

Top Picks in Queensland

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham April 30, 2015

There are a stack of travel blogs, Buzzfeeds, websites and articles all bombarding tourists and study abroad students, with pretty pictures and overly descriptive phrases telling them they HAVE to see this place or that... So I decided I am going to compile… More

Anzac Day

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham April 23, 2015

By Caitlin Moore When it comes to history, Australia is still a teenager. Residents of elderly countries throw around mentions of ancient ruins or medieval cathedrals, while Aussies mumble about ‘brickwork in kitchens dating back to the early 1970s’… More

Australian Music

Amanda "Gizmo" Lanham April 13, 2015

What better way to really get to know your new country than getting into the local culture. Culture is represented in many varied ways, so it would take many posts to cover; however, today we want to go right to the heart and soul of Australians and that… More

A Message from the Director

Dr. Eric Meadows March 26, 2015

I don't know about you but when I travel overseas my head spins with new sights, new experiences and new sensations. Sometimes, it's hard to know what they mean and when one new thing piles on another, it's easy to lose track of them. This may not matter… More

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