More Slowly Please, Scotland to Spain

Melanie Brown January 20, 2018

Más despacio por favor, Escocia a España Before I go into the dirty details of how linguistically unprepared I feel to live in Spain, I thought I’d discuss my unconventional travel plans for study abroad. I decided to visit my friends in Edinburgh, Scotland… More

Traveling Essentials

Caroline Brock January 18, 2018

In 24 hours I’ll be up in the air on my way to Spain. We fly into Madrid, where we’ll spend two nights before heading to Toledo for a day, and then finally to Granada. As I gear up for a long day of travel (a 2.5 hour flight to Atlanta, a 3 hour layover… More

The One Where My Adventure Begins

Jacob Faretra January 16, 2018

The greatest crime in the world is not to develop your potential. When you do what you do best, you are helping not only yourself, but the world.” -Roger Williams By exactly 4:02 PM EST on Sunday January 6th, 2018, the car was packed and my family… More


Sydney Smith January 15, 2018

Two weeks ago, I left the sanctuary of my home on New Year’s Day to start my latest grand adventure of studying abroad for a semester in Aberdeen, Scotland. I left Texas, bright and early on a very cold Monday morning. My bags were packed to their fullest… More

Living in an Airport

Allie Rivera January 15, 2018

The beginning of my journey to Scotland was actually quite difficult and challenging. My fellow classmates and I all had a flight from Newark on January 9th but before that I had a flight from Buffalo to New Jersey the day before. I purposely planned… More

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