Liverpool - Part 1

Logan Ludwig May 22, 2019

Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England Homeschool: Ohio State University When you’re a young music fan, and you discover The Beatles for the first time, there’s really nothing quite like it. It’s a magical experience and some of the… More

When in Doubt, Follow Your Nose

Liesel Rutland May 7, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand Homeschool: Wofford College So, like most students crammed into a small living space with many other young people, there comes a time where sickness and disease spreads. Last week, right after… More

Oh, The Places You'll Go...

Sydney Parks May 7, 2019

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Greece, Greece Homeschool: Beloit College Oh man, I haven’t written anything in over a month! To be honest so much has been happening that it’s been hard to find the time to sit down and write. Let’s see... I’ve… More

Personal Ambassadors

Tristan Donohoe May 6, 2019

Currently studying at: Fundacion Ortega-Maranon - toledo, Spain Homeschool: The College of Wooster  Spring break held quite a few adventures through a lot of places I’d been planning to go, but my favorite day was one that was in a place I never thought… More

Going Solo

Bridget Bradshaw May 3, 2019

Currently studying at: Queen Mary University of London, England Homeschool: Arcadia University I knew that I wanted to study abroad ever since I was in middle school. I wanted to travel the world more than anything, and I knew that doing it through… More

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