When I chose London as my study abroad destination, I knew I was signing up for more than just a term of classes. The city captured my heart with its perfect blend of history and modernity, incredibly diverse population, and vibrant energy. Where else… More
To me, the hardest part of studying abroad was leaving my family in St. Louis. With the six hour time difference between us, it is difficult sometimes to find time between classes, extracurriculars, travel, and everything else that life throws at you… More
As a student ( especially one studying abroad at Trinity College), I have been on the search for free activities around Dublin. I want to explore and adventure, but cannot be spending 20 euros each time I leave the house. So in my first month, I think… More
Honestly, winter is quite the overstatement, at least in the North Island, where it averages like 60 degrees Fahrenheit at the peak of winter. Nevertheless, I can say I went to the beach in the winter time!
SaturdayWe left around 9 am and drove a little… More
As a Nashville Native, I hadn’t been adjusted to London’s rainy, autumn weather. Who knew that saying yes to this spontaneous day trip would help me escape the city’s notorious grey skies.
My flatmate, Aline, and friend, Zacc, invited me to their planned… More
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