Lost in London

Zach Keffer June 7, 2019

Currently Studying at: London Internship Program, England Homeschool: Penn State University On a classic rainy London day, and my first day in London, I took the first train I saw out of the city. This wasn’t on purpose of course, and actually lacked… More

My First Week as a “Sydneysider”

Kallie Vinson June 5, 2019

Currently Studying at: Sydney Internship Program, Australia Homeschool: University of Kentucky G’day everyone! So today makes it officially one week that I have been in Sydney, and honestly, it is flying by. Yesterday I started my internship with… More

1 Second of Abroad

Erin Flanagan June 5, 2019

Currently studying at: St. Mary's University, England Homeschool: Stonehill College I documented my abroad experience by recording 1 second of every day I was abroad. I am so glad I chose to do this because it is an incredible memory for me to look… More

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