New Experiences

Marisa Hulstine June 24, 2019

Currently Studying at: Museum Studies Internship Program Homeschool: Anderson University I arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland feeling slightly jet-lagged, and very nervous. Being in another country, completely by myself, and responsible for my own decisions… More

Finding the Perfect Balance

Loren Thomas June 21, 2019

Currently Studying at: STEM SUMMER RESEARCH - DUBLIN Homeschool: University of Michigan Hi again!! I can’t believe it’s been over two weeks since I arrived. I feel like I’ve been here for months, yet there’s still so much to see and learn. The past… More

Sydney Spots that Feel Like Home

Kallie Vinson June 19, 2019

Currently Studying at: Sydney Internship Program, Australia Homeschool: University of Kentucky I’ve been in Sydney for almost 3 weeks, and in that short time, I have noticed many differences as well as similarities. However, many of the differences… More

New Zealand Bucket List

Meghan Callahan June 18, 2019

Currently studying at: UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, New Zealand Homeschool: Denison University After being back in the States for approximately a week now, I wanted to share some activities that were highlights of my trip and experiences that I think everyone… More

But All’s Well That Ends Well

Liesel Rutland June 17, 2019

Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand Homeschool: Wofford College On Monday I had my flat inspection. Leading up to this, my flatmates and I had to clean the entire flat and each of our bedrooms. The inspection went very smoothly,… More

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