Tips from an Ex First-Time Flyer

Madison Pimental January 23, 2020

Currently Studying at: University of Manchester, England Homeschool: Stonehill College I never would have thought that I would be boarding a plane to leave my friends and family for six months in an entirely new location, but you know, things happen… More

First Impressions and Packing

Mackenzi White January 22, 2020

Currently Studying at: University of Limerick, Ireland Homeschool: Hilbert College Hello everyone! It's been a long couple of days since I landed in Dublin on Monday morning. After having my flight delayed in Buffalo, I ended up missing my connection… More

First Impressions of Perugia

Lauren Arcangeli January 20, 2020

Currently Studying at: Umbra Institute, Italy Homeschool: Trinity University My first impressions of Perugia were through tired eyes. After two flights and a two-hour bus ride, I finally made it to this hillside city. Despite my jet lag, the city did… More

Tips From Abroad!

Janey Amend-Bombara January 20, 2020

Currently Studying at: National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Homeschool: Sarah Lawrence College Before my departure for Ireland, I took a day trip to visit my friend Jemma! Jemma is spending the year at Oxford University and is home for winter… More

A Dublin Adventure

Devin Adams January 8, 2020

Currently studying at: National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Homeschool: Penn State University First thing’s first, I freaking cried in the airport. Yes, me, in all my fear of crying, cried. I’m blaming my dad because in all my life I’ve only… More

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