Millennial Struggles

Mary Schrott November 12, 2015

Talking to new people and other areas of struggle for millennials on the move. I’ve been to several countries now, communicated in different languages (attempted to), made one or two hostel beds, spent more money than expected because of currency exchange… More

South Africa, Until We Meet Again

Tatiana Redden November 10, 2015

Dear South Africa, You made me fall in love with you. I’m sorry it has to end now, I promise I really didn’t want to. Just so you know it’s me, not you. I know people say that a lot, but I am serious that my passport had an expiration date… More

Minor Turbulence

Jordan Gette November 9, 2015

There are only 12 actual days of class left. I don’t even know how that happened. It feels like less than a month ago I was loading my bags into the car to head to the airport and now I have just over one month left until we all get ready to head home… More

Guy Fawkes Night

Kathryn Funderburg November 9, 2015

Remember, remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason, why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot.” Last Thursday was November the fifth, which in America would mean nothing. In Scotland (and Great Britain in general)… More

One Last Adventure

Julian Callin November 9, 2015

My time studying abroad in New Zealand is coming to a close, but the real adventure is just beginning. Next week four friends and I will set off on a month long journey by car from Auckland to the South Island and back up again. We’ll be living off the… More

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