Philadelphia from Home

Student Voices March 22, 2021

My First (and Virtual) Internship Experience By Julia Doyle, Arcadia University Student Since the summer of 2020, the tail end of my sophomore year as an illustration major at Arcadia University, I began to express interest in finding an internship… More

Saying Goodbye

Lauren Kelly December 14, 2020

I have been home in the U.S for a little more than a week now, but I put off writing this last post because I really miss it all and it’s tough to think about saying goodbye. Of course, as everyone has reminded me, I can come back—but unless I go back… More

Two Weeks to Go

Lauren Kelly November 23, 2020

Wow, that was weird to write. I have felt a lot of things throughout my time at Oxford, mainly fascination with how cool this place is, stress, and eagerness to go home (sometimes all at the same time!), but the thought of only having two weeks left is… More

London Before Lockdown

Lauren Kelly November 5, 2020

Admittedly, I haven’t had much motivation to write this post, nor do many of my tutorial responsibilities. My mind has been preoccupied with the election and waiting for the results, in addition to the news that England will be shut down for essentially… More

I Think I Know What I'm Doing?

Lauren Kelly October 19, 2020

This will be a long post! I am currently writing this in the upper reading room of the Bodleian Library at the end of 1st week. With all of the old books you can’t check out, rows and rows of desks, Latin everywhere (thank goodness for the term of Latin… More

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