What Studying Abroad Taught Me

Tiffany Devonish August 30, 2016

By Tiffany D., Arcadia in London Summer, England Many people come back from studying abroad and say that it was a wonderful experience, their best decision ever, and that their time abroad was rather life changing. Students end up giving broad overviews… More

Unplugging and Recharging

H. Saul August 29, 2016

I want to take a moment and talk about something we all have, and we all use: smartphones. They can make you feel like you’re right next to someone 10,000 miles away, but they can also completely detach you from something happening not 5 feet in front… More

Feliz Cumpleaños

Sarah Todaro August 28, 2016

Although it has always been a personal goal of mine to step foot onto Cuban soil, I never thought that I’d actually have the opportunity to spend 3.5 months living on such a mysterious island. Hard work pays off, and here I sit in the Florida Keys preparing… More

Rome Internship Decision

Bridget Michael August 22, 2016

It all began in 2003 when I learned what dreams are made of from the classic masterpiece, The Lizzie McGuire Movie. Now, with my twenty years of wisdom, I have come to terms with the fact that I do not have an international pop star look-a-like, and I… More

Italy for Dummies: Preparing for Perugia

Gillian Davenport August 19, 2016

Hey! I’m Gillian, and I’m an Anthropology major at the University of Colorado Boulder. Hopefully this blog will give those that are paying for my college education a shred of hope that I will be able to do something with my need for travel and invasive… More

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