Convergence / Divergence

Alex Cherry January 17, 2017

Bottleneck: A term for a place where the size of some sort of vessel reduces drastically, only letting through a few small particles, rather than the full system of floating debris that occupied the larger previous space. Beginning a journey in another… More


Erica Salowe January 16, 2017

The air was crisp and thin as I joined my friends sixty-seven meters above ground at the top of the William Wallace monument—though after hiking a steep incline to get to the monument and then climbing more than 250 stairs, I may have just been out of… More

First Impressions

Mitch Peiffer January 13, 2017

When my fellow study abroad classmates and I got to our residence hall at the University of Aberdeen, the first person we met in the lobby was a second-semester first year from Venice who happened to be checked in already, but we didn’t know she was a… More

Dublin: From Tourist to Resident

Caitlyn Rome January 13, 2017

For my first few days of Dublin, I’ve been quite fortunate to learn a good many lessons already. Always print out a receipt, if given the option.At home, this is something I naturally do when using a card. If I’m paying with cash, however, I often… More

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