Interfaith Exchange

Mitch Peiffer March 24, 2017

A few weeks ago, the University hosted an interfaith event with free food. This was a moderately sized crowded room in which there was a food/drink table, along with several other tables populated by representatives of various religious groups giving… More

It's Pretty Easy Being Green

Caitlyn Rome March 23, 2017

Ah, St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin – the epitome of tourism, stereotypes, and mimosas at noon. Back in the states, we celebrate by going to our local Irish bar for drinks and wearing silly “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” shirts. In Dublin, however… we still did the… More

The Reels of History

Erica Salowe March 23, 2017

If you are going to visit Scotland, especially the Highlands, a key destination is the Culloden Battlefield. I was lucky enough to see the historic site thanks to Arcadia and their Isle of Skye and Highlands travel weekend. We hit many stops in those… More

It's Worth It in the End

Lillian Beach March 23, 2017

It’s so surreal to think that I’ve been living in Wellington for a month already.  Time flies by so quickly and so much has happened already, it seems all my pictures are the only things that help me to remember everything.  Thanks to Arcadia our program… More

The Board Game

Adam Becker March 23, 2017

The greatest game of all: Life. Of course, there are different versions available depending on where you bought the game, where you’re playing, who you’re playing with, what language your rule book is in… the list goes on, but at the end of the day the… More

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