Weekend Warriors (Game of Thrones Arcadia Excursion)

Caitlyn Rome April 13, 2017

At the crack of dawn, my alarm screeched, and I slipped out of bed to gulp down some coffee. We headed off to the Arcadia Center, and the streets were nearly deserted on the clear Saturday morning. I was very excited for the excursion to Northern Ireland… More

Hiking Roy's Peak

Kristin Kinchla April 11, 2017

Dunedin is probably one of the most alive towns I have ever been to, it is such a college town and I absolutely love it. There's always people around and I live on one of the busiest streets which has gained a reputation for the noise level. When I'm… More

Defining History

Calli Umipig April 10, 2017

Benjamin Franklin once said, “History will kind to me, for I intend to write it”. Victors and successors have always been the ones to write the history books and that is no different here in Cape Town. For decades during apartheid blacks, coloureds, and… More

Embracing the Unexpected Adventure

Jay Burnett April 9, 2017

We had a plan. A loose plan, but a plan nonetheless. We knew which train to catch, which bus to take and how far to walk to the park entrance. But that’s the thing with plans- sometimes they become obsolete within an hour of departure. The 10:05 a.m… More

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