Life After Cambridge

Janelle D'Avignon September 21, 2022

So you’ve just returned home from an amazing, once in a lifetime study abroad program; now what? The dust has settled from the craze of submitting exams, packing your belongings, and making it back across the ocean in one piece. The next few weeks can… More

What Cambridge Meant to Me

Janelle D'Avignon September 21, 2022

There have been two important realizations made from my time in Cambridge. First, this world is a lot bigger than what I knew, and a lot more beautiful. Now, I know that might sound silly or a bit obvious, but it’s not something many people are able to… More

Am I a Student or a Tourist?

Andrew Esber September 1, 2022

Well this is it, Study Abroad. The experience that walks a balance beam between my education and the vacation of a lifetime. The overarching challenge of the adventure is finding a way to balance fun and responsibilities at the same time. It seemed like… More

Hiking in the Dublin Mountains

Matthew Elmore Merritt August 22, 2022

Of all the places I’ve been to in Ireland, I think my favorite place is Howth, which is a peninsula that has  tons of trails, all of which can be accessed by riding the DART train for 30 minutes from Dublin’s city center. The trails in Howth, nestled… More

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