So Many Adventures

Kristin Kinchla May 19, 2017

A few weeks ago was mid-semester break and I went to the North Island with four friends and 16 hours of traveling was completely worth it. Our first trip was to Ragland which was a town full of surfers, we went there for my friend Gabe’s birthday who… More

Ode to the Bike

Adam Becker May 19, 2017

Triglav National Park You don’t need a guidewhen you’re trying to get lostan orange road bikejumping, stiff along country roadsdropped handlebarslock you in placeinseparableyour wheels buzz content I left Bled, flyingroad unwindingdodging chickens cluckingthrough… More

See You Soon, Scotland

Bailey Smith May 17, 2017

Finals have finished, the amount of money in your bank account has dropped drastically, and you still have a few weeks left in Europe before you have to go home. It is scary because you feel like your time abroad you have gotten more confident and happy… More

How to Speak Spanish like a Chilean

Megan Anger May 12, 2017

It is no secret that the Chilean accent is one of the hardest accents to understand in the Spanish-speaking world. I was warned many times before coming here that it would probably take a month for me to just start to understand Chileans when they speak… More

Family Time in Ireland

Caitlyn Rome May 12, 2017

Well, it is finals time around Trinity College (you can tell by the grim faces of all the students you pass around campus) and I’ve got my first exam tomorrow. Naturally that means I’m procrastinating studying and instead writing a quick blog post… kidding… More

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